
Xian Tours: Changzhou Builds Back Garden

Yokoyama, ancient Fangmaoshan, lush seasons, after years of vicissitudes; beautiful, pregnant with beauty, unique scenic south. Whether from urban or from Wujin, Changzhou City, the choice of Eastern Avenue, or the elevated road, here, 20 minutes, so you can enjoy the xian tours time, because the place where a man named Longtan Lake, has been transformed into a Fangmaoshan treasure, as the city's "backyard."

A few years ago, happy to "steal food" game for Longtan Lake, the "Adopt a sub-field" projects fire up tasting green vegetables, holidays bring family members to their adoption of the fields Li Songsong soil, various vegetables, as city people a choice; back Fangmaoshan, facing the hibiscus water, amazing handwriting Longtan Lake Park, the large agro-ecological, covering 1946 acres, with a total xian travel investment of 120 million project, set "Agricultural production, technology demonstrations, eco-leisure , science education and tourism "and other functions into one, which is produced with a capacity of three closely integrated. The hardships of farming and the joy of harvest, farmers have only about one of the joys, and now, swept the Longtan Lake City's business model, and even Shanghai, Zhejiang, people will find time to Longtan Lake, take a look at the elegance of this modern agricultural estate.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

