
Travel Guilin: Tour of Luan Flourishes after High Speed Railways

Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu high-speed railway, also known as the Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu rapid passenger access opening will be completed in 2011, Luan was guilin tours,one of the important sites. Wuhan - Luan - Hefei - Nanjing line has been opened to traffic two years of operation, Hefei - Bengbu Passenger completed after the opening, with the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail connection, then, Lu'an four directions East and West have high-speed railway, motor car attached , Luan tourism development will benefit, the reporter recently to high-speed rail era of how to develop tourism in an interview with Luan Luan Municipal Tourism Bureau Xu Jin.

"Luan City, Anhui Province earlier opening of the City of EMU, April 1, 2009 the official opening, the feeling is certainly a more sudden, after the opening  guilin travel of EMU, there is such a feeling that all of a sudden area added a lot of Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai, the guests, said to be a rare opportunity for us, we feel that the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway to Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu and will fast track the connectivity will be a rare opportunity for development. "Xu Jin said excitedly.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

