
Xian Tour: Asia Largest Mining Park

Recently learned from the Fuxin city, once Asia's largest mechanized coal mine - Fuxin Haizhou coal mine in the next few years into one of the first national mining park, from the previous "big source of pollution," transformed into a "pot of gold . "According to xian xian tours, tours reports, Haizhou coal mine is a national "Five-year Plan" period spending huge sums to build large coal mine. From 1953 to 2003, the cumulative national production Haizhou coal mine 210 million tons. In June 2005, Haizhou open-pit coal resource depletion as announced Closure of bankruptcy, but coal mining has left a 4 km wide and 2 km vertical depth of 320 meters of a huge pit.

Fuxin City Land Resources Board Lui Jie said, Fuxin coal mining has become increasingly depleted due to successive years, world attention has become the resource-exhausted cities, especially Haizhou coal mine landslide, severe water damage and spontaneous combustion, the city major source of pollution. In 2005, Haizhou coal mine in Fuxin City, National Mine Park construction qualification review by the Ministry of Land, with 28 units in Beijing and other places with the become the first national mining  xian travel park construction. Reporters learned from the Fuxin Municipal Bureau of Tourism, represented by Haizhou coal mine  xian travel mining ruins century witnessed the development of China's modern industrial history, according to the dug - semi-mechanized - mechanized - Electrical - Automation - Digital display throughout the order. There are Japanese steam locomotive, a World War II Czech motor vehicles, the Soviet Union's first TPC-ho imported industrial heritage artifacts, and new Chinese made ​​their first and the last steam locomotive. Planning Haizhou Open Pit Mine National Park will include the "underground forest", "Bottom of the reservoir," "research base", "coal mining museum" and visit the tourism projects. Currently, the land and resources has already begun on the Haizhou coal mine geological disaster control and land reclamation projects.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

