
China Huludao Swimming Festival

As the first China (Huludao Xingcheng) International Cultural Festival swimwear approaching footsteps, Xingcheng has become the focus of everyone competing, in addition to leisure, shopping, sightseeing, the opportunity for integration with the world instantly kindled people's passion, many foreign visitors pour in, so this 500 years of history with an international flavor and more concentrated.

July 26, correspondent in the focus areas and Xing city to see major roads, promotion of the International Festival of swimwear large outdoor billboards, posters, banners everywhere, causing the visitors attention. The arrival of the swimsuit section is well-known locals, including women and children, and for foreign tourists, it is an expectation and a blessing. Major shopping malls, hotels, hotels nearly full house in the city, in the spa, the beach, in the major scenic spots, tourist crowds, waiting. Some tourists even tempted their curiosity, in addition to the festival from the media to capture a variety of information, but also through various channels asked about preparations for the festival on the details. They lamented that preparations for the festival to see from a very high efficiency of government departments, but also saw the potential and charm of the city, hoping to hold the festival an opportunity to show their city to the world's most style side.

From Inner Mongolia, Liu told reporters, Huludao is rich in tourism resources, attracting a large number of foreign tourists, I heard Culture Festival to be held in the International swimsuit, advance their family arrived Xingcheng, no one thought of hotels and restaurants everywhere full, desperation can only choose to bath at night to rest, not for anything else, just want to look at the swimsuit witness the grand festival. From Hainan, said Xu, also a coastal city, but it has a Hainan Huludao incomparable natural advantages, there is the sea, springs, more than 500 years of vicissitudes and history, this is what attracted me to the main reasons. Swimsuit festival not only enriched our cultural life, but also gave rise to a sincere friendship and an open concept, reflects the historic and cultural city open to the world, with the world's era style.

In recent years, Xingcheng to "City Quanshan island," the ecological advantages to attract more and more tourists come to vacation, this international festival of swimwear, "joined", will boost the rapid development of modern service industry leader, make it the world's economic stage Yueyan Yue wonderful.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

