
Henan China Tour Agency

July 22 afternoon, the Provincial Tourism Bureau of the Office of the Secretary Fan Xiufang to lead and supervise the management office is responsible comrades went to Henan China Travel Research.Tang Weiping, chairman of Henan Province, China Travel Service reported in recent years business development process, the main work, achievements and problems of insufficient and "five" business development objectives and work plans.

Fan Xiufang Secretary for listening to the report, and fully affirmed the achievements of the enterprise. He said China Travel is a travel abroad and mainland residents to travel tour, travel agents Association unit, is the province's first four-star tour. After years of corporate development, has a number of branch and business outlets, have a cadre of business and improve the marketing network, forming a good brand benefits.

He pointed out that the main business is the development of tourism. Tourism enterprises and tourism management are inseparable, inseparable from the development of tourism enterprises, tourism enterprises and tourism management department can not do without the guidance, guidance and supervision. Enterprises should seize the implementation of the "second Five Year Plan" and the central zone construction opportunities, pressurized progressive, hard work, to promote tourism across the province to make new contributions. One is to play a leading role in the brand. We should give full play to its own brand, talent, consolidate, enhance good, do ring to do light brand, promote enterprises bigger and stronger. The second is to play a leading role. To regulate the operation, integrity, promote the quality and integrity of travel tours, to enhance the quality of service, the first to make the industry self-regulation play in the tour business and president of the unit leading role. The third is to play a leading role. China Travel actively involved in tourism development in our province and improve tourism products, pioneered Chung Dong New District, Zhengzhou city tours and night line, Zhengzhou Yellow River Scenic Spot on the implementation of managed operations, and participated in the diversion headworks Danyang Lake development for the enterprises bigger and stronger and laid a solid foundation. Next, according to the travel meals, lodging, travel shopping entertainment six elements, explore new formats and a variety of universal banking, extend the industrial chain, improve quality and efficiency, improve their core competitiveness, promote large-scale enterprise, group, international development.Fan Xiufang the Secretary and his party also research the various departments of the enterprise operation, and site visits Chung Dong New Area of ​​Zhengzhou city tours and night.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

