
China Weishan Lake Tour

Canal Weishanhu opening of tourist routes, not only enriched and improved the city's tourism product content, to speed up the pace of tourism development in river and lake attractions, but also for the general public and tourists to carry out river and lake tours, town tours, eco-tourism, leisure provided the conditions for improving the quality of life of the people, building a harmonious urban and rural tourism is important. Therefore, we have to establish a lasting battles, through the unremitting efforts, put the cruise line to build a tourist products, not only to attract Jining public, but also to attract visitors to a remote, and even international visitors travel to the river, lake , tourism, leisure, vacation.

A: In the municipal government leadership's attention and support, the various counties, authorities put a great deal of enthusiasm, activity, preparations are in order. City Tourism Bureau to effectively play the role of lead department, the center of this activity as a recent task, in the tourist circuit design, media, advertising, training of tour guides and tour guides written word, done a lot of tourist organizations and other preliminary work. City Council initiative to provide cruise shipping support and actively carry out the opening ceremony of the preparatory work of the organization. Rencheng, Weishan government step up construction of tourist wharf, new attractions, scenic road repair, landscaping tourism environment, led by travel-style smooth and laid a solid foundation. Finally, I hope the city's travel agencies do a good job Canal Weishanhu tourist routes campaign work actively to attract tourists; hope the general public are encouraged to register Offered personally enjoy the scenery of the canal to experience the town folk customs, enjoy the micro-Lotus Lake scenic .For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

