
Travel to China Desert Games

September 6, the reporter from the National Fitness Games desert desert Yellow River Tourism Festival cum Competition Department learned from the State Sports General Administration, National Tourism Administration, organized by the regional government of Ningxia Sports Bureau, Ningxia Zhongwei City Tourism Bureau and the host of the 2007 "sports Lottery Cup" National Fitness Games desert desert Yellow River Tourism Festival will be held cum September 8 to 10 class 5A scenic spots in China Shapotou held. Then, from 18 provinces of 34 delegations more than 560 athletes will participate in the competition. At press time ago, the preparatory work has been in place, there are some foreign athletes to stay defender designated by the organizing committee of the hotel.

It is understood that our district since 2003, will be held for the first time since the desert sports, continues to attract the desert around the country and local sports enthusiasts, has several thousand people took part in the desert 5 a-side football, beach golf, desert triathlon competitions and other projects . From a number of media both inside and outside and more than 140 foreign reporters will be to participate in the work of desert Games coverage. The Games were set up desert desert fitness football, desert soft volleyball, Lassa boat, triathlon, desert golf, eight projects, in addition to organizing sports activities, a variety of fitness activities will also take turns staged tour perfectly soluble in sports and tourism activities as a whole, such as "people across the Tengger desert," "thousands of people drifting," "Temple hole mountain climbing", "pass the lake a little child Mongolia customs Tour" and other activities; organic the sports and tourism, environmental protection are closely linked and mutually reinforcing development, make full use of the natural human environment, to expand sports and fitness activities, sports brands to create the sand for the economic and social development of this platform will become another highlight of the Games; the same time for the local tourism is concerned, this is a rare opportunity, and opportunity.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


China Huludao Swimming Festival

As the first China (Huludao Xingcheng) International Cultural Festival swimwear approaching footsteps, Xingcheng has become the focus of everyone competing, in addition to leisure, shopping, sightseeing, the opportunity for integration with the world instantly kindled people's passion, many foreign visitors pour in, so this 500 years of history with an international flavor and more concentrated.

July 26, correspondent in the focus areas and Xing city to see major roads, promotion of the International Festival of swimwear large outdoor billboards, posters, banners everywhere, causing the visitors attention. The arrival of the swimsuit section is well-known locals, including women and children, and for foreign tourists, it is an expectation and a blessing. Major shopping malls, hotels, hotels nearly full house in the city, in the spa, the beach, in the major scenic spots, tourist crowds, waiting. Some tourists even tempted their curiosity, in addition to the festival from the media to capture a variety of information, but also through various channels asked about preparations for the festival on the details. They lamented that preparations for the festival to see from a very high efficiency of government departments, but also saw the potential and charm of the city, hoping to hold the festival an opportunity to show their city to the world's most style side.

From Inner Mongolia, Liu told reporters, Huludao is rich in tourism resources, attracting a large number of foreign tourists, I heard Culture Festival to be held in the International swimsuit, advance their family arrived Xingcheng, no one thought of hotels and restaurants everywhere full, desperation can only choose to bath at night to rest, not for anything else, just want to look at the swimsuit witness the grand festival. From Hainan, said Xu, also a coastal city, but it has a Hainan Huludao incomparable natural advantages, there is the sea, springs, more than 500 years of vicissitudes and history, this is what attracted me to the main reasons. Swimsuit festival not only enriched our cultural life, but also gave rise to a sincere friendship and an open concept, reflects the historic and cultural city open to the world, with the world's era style.

In recent years, Xingcheng to "City Quanshan island," the ecological advantages to attract more and more tourists come to vacation, this international festival of swimwear, "joined", will boost the rapid development of modern service industry leader, make it the world's economic stage Yueyan Yue wonderful.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Henan China Tour Agency

July 22 afternoon, the Provincial Tourism Bureau of the Office of the Secretary Fan Xiufang to lead and supervise the management office is responsible comrades went to Henan China Travel Research.Tang Weiping, chairman of Henan Province, China Travel Service reported in recent years business development process, the main work, achievements and problems of insufficient and "five" business development objectives and work plans.

Fan Xiufang Secretary for listening to the report, and fully affirmed the achievements of the enterprise. He said China Travel is a travel abroad and mainland residents to travel tour, travel agents Association unit, is the province's first four-star tour. After years of corporate development, has a number of branch and business outlets, have a cadre of business and improve the marketing network, forming a good brand benefits.

He pointed out that the main business is the development of tourism. Tourism enterprises and tourism management are inseparable, inseparable from the development of tourism enterprises, tourism enterprises and tourism management department can not do without the guidance, guidance and supervision. Enterprises should seize the implementation of the "second Five Year Plan" and the central zone construction opportunities, pressurized progressive, hard work, to promote tourism across the province to make new contributions. One is to play a leading role in the brand. We should give full play to its own brand, talent, consolidate, enhance good, do ring to do light brand, promote enterprises bigger and stronger. The second is to play a leading role. To regulate the operation, integrity, promote the quality and integrity of travel tours, to enhance the quality of service, the first to make the industry self-regulation play in the tour business and president of the unit leading role. The third is to play a leading role. China Travel actively involved in tourism development in our province and improve tourism products, pioneered Chung Dong New District, Zhengzhou city tours and night line, Zhengzhou Yellow River Scenic Spot on the implementation of managed operations, and participated in the diversion headworks Danyang Lake development for the enterprises bigger and stronger and laid a solid foundation. Next, according to the travel meals, lodging, travel shopping entertainment six elements, explore new formats and a variety of universal banking, extend the industrial chain, improve quality and efficiency, improve their core competitiveness, promote large-scale enterprise, group, international development.Fan Xiufang the Secretary and his party also research the various departments of the enterprise operation, and site visits Chung Dong New Area of ​​Zhengzhou city tours and night.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


China Weishan Lake Tour

Canal Weishanhu opening of tourist routes, not only enriched and improved the city's tourism product content, to speed up the pace of tourism development in river and lake attractions, but also for the general public and tourists to carry out river and lake tours, town tours, eco-tourism, leisure provided the conditions for improving the quality of life of the people, building a harmonious urban and rural tourism is important. Therefore, we have to establish a lasting battles, through the unremitting efforts, put the cruise line to build a tourist products, not only to attract Jining public, but also to attract visitors to a remote, and even international visitors travel to the river, lake , tourism, leisure, vacation.

A: In the municipal government leadership's attention and support, the various counties, authorities put a great deal of enthusiasm, activity, preparations are in order. City Tourism Bureau to effectively play the role of lead department, the center of this activity as a recent task, in the tourist circuit design, media, advertising, training of tour guides and tour guides written word, done a lot of tourist organizations and other preliminary work. City Council initiative to provide cruise shipping support and actively carry out the opening ceremony of the preparatory work of the organization. Rencheng, Weishan government step up construction of tourist wharf, new attractions, scenic road repair, landscaping tourism environment, led by travel-style smooth and laid a solid foundation. Finally, I hope the city's travel agencies do a good job Canal Weishanhu tourist routes campaign work actively to attract tourists; hope the general public are encouraged to register Offered personally enjoy the scenery of the canal to experience the town folk customs, enjoy the micro-Lotus Lake scenic .For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Changzhou was named as National Ecological City

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang, July 15 - 15 in Guiyang at the first national ecological civilization pilot experience exchange meeting, 27 cities (districts, counties) was awarded the Department of Environmental Protection, "National Ecological City (district, county) . "So far, China has 38 counties (cities, districts) was named national ecological city (district and county).

It is understood that the 27 cities (districts, counties) are located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Sichuan, Anhui, Shaanxi, Liaoning and Tianjin, Jiangsu Province, of which the majority, to 12. Sub-region, the eastern region 21, the central region 3, the western region 3. The city (district and county) are based on "Environmental Protection Ministry to further deepen the work of ecological demonstration zones," and "national ecological county, eco-city examination and testing procedures" provided by the Ministry of Environmental Protection assessment, public notification, approval has been achieved national ecological demonstration zone of national eco-city (district, county) assessment of the indicator. Ecological Department of Environmental Protection Secretary, said Zhuang Guotai, was awarded the title of the city (districts, counties) to thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, overall strengthening of environmental protection, efforts to improve the ecological civilization, in order to promote regional economic, social and environmental comprehensive , coordinated, sustainable development and resource-saving, environment-friendly society and make new contributions. According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection web site announcement, Jintan city, Wujin District, was awarded the National Environmental Protection Ministry of ecological city (district and county).For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Shangri-la Builds Tour Complex

In the future, visitors to Inagi to not only watch the magnificent natural scenery, but also can enjoy a unique plateau SPA, while leisurely cup of coffee. July 20, the shanghai tours core area's first Shangri-La tourism complex development projects - DAOCHENG Ru Butchart card spa town in Chengdu start. Provincial People's Congress Zhang Dongsheng, deputy director of the provincial CPPCC vice chairman who Tsinghua University attended the ceremony.

The project covers an area of ​​3700 acres, located in Gong Bagong long mountain foot, Inagi county southeast 2.5 km, the total investment will amount to $ 3.2 billion, set food, housing, travel, shopping as a whole. The project is expected to be completed in five years, after completion of the shanghai travel tourists nearly ten thousand people. Inagi tourism is a new growth pole in our province. Last year, the county exceeded 250 000 tourists, tourism revenue reached 145 million. Inagi tourism to promote development, the county has been fully promote the railway, highway, aviation and other integrated transport hub.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tour: Asia Largest Mining Park

Recently learned from the Fuxin city, once Asia's largest mechanized coal mine - Fuxin Haizhou coal mine in the next few years into one of the first national mining park, from the previous "big source of pollution," transformed into a "pot of gold . "According to xian xian tours, tours reports, Haizhou coal mine is a national "Five-year Plan" period spending huge sums to build large coal mine. From 1953 to 2003, the cumulative national production Haizhou coal mine 210 million tons. In June 2005, Haizhou open-pit coal resource depletion as announced Closure of bankruptcy, but coal mining has left a 4 km wide and 2 km vertical depth of 320 meters of a huge pit.

Fuxin City Land Resources Board Lui Jie said, Fuxin coal mining has become increasingly depleted due to successive years, world attention has become the resource-exhausted cities, especially Haizhou coal mine landslide, severe water damage and spontaneous combustion, the city major source of pollution. In 2005, Haizhou coal mine in Fuxin City, National Mine Park construction qualification review by the Ministry of Land, with 28 units in Beijing and other places with the become the first national mining  xian travel park construction. Reporters learned from the Fuxin Municipal Bureau of Tourism, represented by Haizhou coal mine  xian travel mining ruins century witnessed the development of China's modern industrial history, according to the dug - semi-mechanized - mechanized - Electrical - Automation - Digital display throughout the order. There are Japanese steam locomotive, a World War II Czech motor vehicles, the Soviet Union's first TPC-ho imported industrial heritage artifacts, and new Chinese made ​​their first and the last steam locomotive. Planning Haizhou Open Pit Mine National Park will include the "underground forest", "Bottom of the reservoir," "research base", "coal mining museum" and visit the tourism projects. Currently, the land and resources has already begun on the Haizhou coal mine geological disaster control and land reclamation projects.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tours: Xiamen Angkor Tour

July 20, Xiamen travel non-stop charter flights Angkor line official maiden voyage, this Hercynian visitors starting from Xiamen, 3 hours to reach Angkor, experience the tropical jungles of the Buddha's glorious ancient civilization.International Travel and Fujian Xiamen xian tours Chunhui Hong Thai joint opened in Xiamen International Travel Angkor travel non-stop charter flights with Xiamen Airlines signed a first-year charter agreement, starting from July 20, a flight on average every 5 days. This is the first charter in Fujian Province travel agencies international flights, Xiamen became the first five can travel non-stop city of Angkor.

Xiamen Chunhui Ma Zhiqiang, general manager of CITS, said this tourist charter flights, moving vehicles can be linked together radiation throughout the Hercynian Hercynian visitors to Cambodia this country a more convenient travel. Chunhui Qi Fang was vice president of CITS, at present the overwhelming response to this tourist routes, including Summer Family Fun tourists, corporate incentive travel and xian travel tourism, and other types of gifts customers; the route of the tourism product called "Golden Angkor double flying 5-Day Tour "offer 3980 yuan, there are three travel options: tour the depth of Angkor, Angkor Wat + Phnom Penh, two tours, Angkor," Papa-line "(free exercise) to meet the different preferences of visitors to Angkor and experience Phnom Penh attractions. For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tour: Shanghai Tours

As temperatures continue to increase, in the depths of the sea island of Long Island, the only county in Shandong also because it has a cool climate, beautiful environment and unique landscape and ushered in the tourism peak.

Fishermen eat dinner, live xian tours fishing houses, fishing people to experience life at sea, "fisherman Music" tour to the island to become the first choice for tourists, 70 percent of tourists to the island of choice "room and board in fishing, play in the sea," the fisherman music tour. Charming island of natural beauty, unique sea landscape, allowing visitors to fully appreciate the magic and charm of nature; leisure waves, natural bathing, visitors enjoy the island's cool and refreshing summer. Tour - Beaches Exploration, back to nature. Boat trips to uninhabited area close contact with the seagulls, to see the sea wizard style, Long Island features new eco-tourism projects. People spilled food feeding seagulls, attracted tens of thousands of seagulls flying in the boat around lightly, blotting out the sun, spectacular, like a man and bird and harmonious ecological picture.

Marine eco-tourism has become Long Island's most attractive eco-tourism project. Punta long roll-off terminals in a day, frequency of flights of more xian travel than 80 islands, transporting tourists out of the island more than 10 million people. According to tourism department statistics, since July, visitors to the island reached more than 13 million passengers, an increase of 35%, to achieve direct tourism income of 8,000 million, an increase of 40%.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tour: Taiji Compitetion

July 12, 13, Henan Province Sports Bureau Peng Desheng come Jiaozuo, check the Sixth China Jiaozuo International Taijiquan Exchange Competition and the International Taiji Cultural Exchange preparations Center and Fitness Center building. Jiaozuo City Mayor Sun Likun, accompanied xian tours by Deputy Mayor Joe Xueda.
     Peng Desheng his entourage to the Jiaozuo amateur basketball school, Jiaozuo International Taiji Cultural Exchange Center and fitness center project site, Jiaozuo Taijiquan stadium, sports center, Tai Chi Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Push Hands competition venues and the main venue for the exchange contest for the opening ceremony check. Peng Desheng of the Jiaozuo municipal government has long attached great importance to the sport and grateful for the support. He said that in recent years, Jiaozuo has made impressive sports achievements, the development of sports for the Henan Province has made outstanding contributions. Next on the preparatory work Taijiquan Exchange Competition, Peng Desheng requirements, a need to further strengthen its efforts to improve the facilities inside and outside the stadium, creating clean, beautiful, comfortable game environment; second, in line with the principle of frugal race, well-prepared opening contest work, and strive to do the opening ceremony of a wonderful, unique, a high standard; three game ideas to do a breakthrough innovation, and further highlight the "big tai chi, great culture" concept and establish Jiaozuo Taijiquan originated as an open , inclusive. International Taiji Cultural Exchange Center xian travel and the Fitness Center building, Peng Desheng requirements, to speed up the construction of sports stadiums, while transforming the existing stadium, new construction and renovation through, so that the sports venues and facilities to further upgrade the file. To step up publicity to expand its influence, for the second province to create a good atmosphere for public opinion games, Jiaozuo City, in the whole to create a "Let all the people involved, to meet the Provincial Games," a thick atmosphere. Sun Likun that the construction of the International Tai Chi Chuan Cultural Exchange Center and fitness center and held Taijiquan Exchange Competition in Jiaozuo People's attention is a major event, wedding, good, Tai Chi for promoting cultural, city image, and promote economic and social development has a very important significance.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tour: Benxi Train Tour

To strengthen the sun and Benxi cities of communication and exchange, Tiger Leap Group officially opened a management office, Chaoyang Chaoyang - Benxi Tiger Leap fast off the line, which marks the passengers to travel between the two to achieve a direct trip.

In recent years, Chaoyang heavy history and culture, rich in tourism resources, as well as distinctive regional landscape, attracting many domestic xian tours, and foreign tourists pour in, feel the sun from different sides as the charm of ancient history. Benxi as a tourist destination, with national, 26 provincial-level scenic spots, spots nearly one thousand national, 35 provincial-level key cultural relics protection units. One well-known cultural heritage of the world - five women and Mountain Goguryeo Huanren mountain, Asia's largest natural cave eleven Benxi Water Cave, northeast birthplace of Taoism - nine Tiesha Mountain State Forest Park - closed Hill, Hill set , water, forest, springs, cave as a whole, known as "Yan Dongsheng territory," said.

With the traffic advantages highlighted Chaoyang, Chaoyang and Benxi increasingly frequent personnel exchanges between the interval of long-distance transport has entered a new stage of development. Open sunrise - Benxi direct Express Bus routes, not only to further smooth the flow  xian travel of people between the sun and Benxi, logistics, information flow, but also to achieve a direct passenger travel. Chaoyang - Benxi quick jump off the tiger, the sun's departure time 9:00 and 14:30; back time for the 9:00 and 14:20: One-way fare of 106 yuan, round-trip fare of 166, student / concessionary fares for elderly and 66 yuan; direct line full of 380 km, fast one-way passenger trips run time of four and a half hours.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Travel Guilin: Hongze Lake Ecological Tour

The afternoon of July 3, the first China (Sihong) Eco-Tourism Festival Organizing Committee Hongze held a working meeting on the progress of festival guilin tours preparations to sort out, while the next steps to be arranged. Organizing Committee and all Sihong Tourism Bureau attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the preparatory working group to report on progress, present, Hongze eco-tourism festival opening ceremony of the cooperation in tourism and Development Association, thousands of riders self-drive eco-tours, wetland large lecture hall, millions of tourists travel guilin travel Sihong series of activities such as preparation work is well underway. It was noted that the first Hongze Sihong eco-tourism festival is the current focus is the external image display Sihong important way, the organizing committee members to go all out, do the preparatory work of careful preparatory work to ensure that festival activities a success.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tours: Mountain Changtai Fashion Rural Tour

Billboard by the Organizing Committee of China's tourism, travel Sohu, China's tourism ticket network, China county travel ", travel the world" travel magazine xian tours jointly organized the "beauty of China - China's most beautiful scenic potential list named" one of the series of - "China's top ten most potential rural tourism" campaign ended on June 30, Mountain Village, re-elected by 198,235 votes into the network ranking second in the final, "China's top ten most promising rural tourism" list will be recently produced.
It is reported that The poll points recommended primary, validation, publishing editor of four stages, will travel expert initial screening of the potential of the target area, published in the official web site and partner sites on the Internet voting, according to the number of votes until the election of the sea 15 , and then refer to the tourism industry experts (travel agents, travel media xian travel correspondent, travel planners, etc.) the results of opinion poll, two views to determine the final overall top ten list, to be published and edited at pictures of large, publicly published. In 2008 the organization (website http://www.yoo66.com) launched the first "beauty of China China's most beautiful tourist destination list" contest, the national network of more than 2.2 million Internet users participate in voting, the country more than 2,000 newspapers, television , websites, radio and other media involved in reporting, forwarding all kinds of articles published over 100,000 articles.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Tour Xian: Liaoning Cities Tour

This year the central city of the fourth group of the CPPCC Liaoning Forum will be held in Fushun, mainly on the "market integration" seminar. On this xian tours issue, seven city CPPCC leadership enthusiasm. Fushun proposed Fushun abundant labor resources, technical resources, but also less than Shenyang, hoping to strengthen market integration after the seven cities, Shenyang and Fushun to make between each other, so that the advantages of Shenyang, Fushun help to promote rapid economic development. Liaoyang proposed: "Our best hope is to promote the integration of tourism resources to achieve the seven city tour 'card'." Liaoyang proposed, seven xian travel cities should work together to create high-quality tourist routes, forming "one house three hills," etc. based Cuba trip; to a thousand mountains, Benxi, Dahuofang reservoir, Tanghe Reservoir and other main landscape garden tour. To Tanggangzi spa, beach-based health Yingkou leisure trip; to Tieling opera, Cao's hometown, Manchu style-based cultural tours; How to Make the steel, automobile manufacturing-based industry of how the trip.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Tour Xian: Chaya Mountain

Chaya Mountain from June 2010 by the National Tourism Administration as the first national tour since the standardization of experimental units in the company leaders attach great importance by the careful guidance of higher authorities, offices and ministries through standardization efforts in the common room , created the company's standardization work has achieved some results, but with higher xian tours authorities and experts from the requirements of leadership, there are still a big gap. In order to shrink the gap between the advanced, closely linked to experimental work required to complete the standardization work in creating the objectives and tasks, in April organized a comprehensive self-examination. Standardization of experimental work leading group company for problems in previous work, careful research and analysis, and actively take corrective measures to improve to meet the interim assessment of the pilot inspection as an opportunity to once again set off a company-wide standardization of travel to work to create a new upsurge.
First, investigate and question, to strengthen the sense of responsibility. The department as a unit, for self-examination in April, the problems to find a cause, check the roots, once thought to mount, do the experimental work to strengthen the sense of responsibility, urgency, and further experimental work to stimulate the consciousness of good standard, for the full completion of experimental task to lay a solid ideological foundation.
Second, the staff are deployed to strengthen the standardization office force. In order to be more focused, creating a smooth launching of standardization work, attached great importance to the company chairman in office of the original standard office equipment and personnel, based on the new deployment of four added to the standard run, and purchased two new computers, dedicated to standardization xian travel information on the work of the cleanup, and centralized office. According to the department's personnel changes also re-adjust the standardization of supervision of the department manager, in charge of liaison with the standardization of daily office work and to promote the standardization work of the department of supervision and management to effectively promote the standardization of implementation.or more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Tour Guilin: Huangshan was Listed as ISO14000 National Demonstration Zone

Recently, the Huangshan Scenic Area as ISO14000 National Demonstration Zone, which is following the Putuo Mountain, Gulangyu, Zhaoqing Seven Star Crags, and Sun Yat-sen, the national 187 national key scenic spot in the first five ISO14000 National Demonstration guilin tours, Zone.According to the Environmental Protection Office of Huangshan Management Committee introduced Huangshan Scenic Area vigorously implement comprehensive environmental engineering, will be 10%% of ticket sales as scenic resources protection fund, "15" has invested 150 million yuan during the period for environmental management and eco-construction. Area to implement various measures for the implementation of automatic detection of noise and atmosphere; built a ring Huangshan length of 100 km, 4 km wide buffer zone to prevent the invasion of pine wilt disease; took the lead in the national scenic spots  guilin travel closed holiday, the scenic area the diversity of biological resources and ecological environment have been effectively protected.In November 2006, the State Environmental Protection Administration Expert Group "ISO14000 National Demonstration Zone" and so the relevant provisions of the Huangshan Scenic Area to create work on-site assessment, that the Huangshan Scenic Area in line with national demonstration areas and meet the ISO14000 standard to create conditions and .For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Travel Guilin: Tour of Luan Flourishes after High Speed Railways

Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu high-speed railway, also known as the Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu rapid passenger access opening will be completed in 2011, Luan was guilin tours,one of the important sites. Wuhan - Luan - Hefei - Nanjing line has been opened to traffic two years of operation, Hefei - Bengbu Passenger completed after the opening, with the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail connection, then, Lu'an four directions East and West have high-speed railway, motor car attached , Luan tourism development will benefit, the reporter recently to high-speed rail era of how to develop tourism in an interview with Luan Luan Municipal Tourism Bureau Xu Jin.

"Luan City, Anhui Province earlier opening of the City of EMU, April 1, 2009 the official opening, the feeling is certainly a more sudden, after the opening  guilin travel of EMU, there is such a feeling that all of a sudden area added a lot of Wuhan, Nanjing, Shanghai, the guests, said to be a rare opportunity for us, we feel that the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway to Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu and will fast track the connectivity will be a rare opportunity for development. "Xu Jin said excitedly.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Travel: Yinchuan Opens Patriotism Education Bases

Recently, this reporter learned from the Yinchuan Municipal Propaganda Department, the city's first free and open patriotism education bases have been identified, including Yinchuan City Archives, Bayi Square, King Yue primary Yinchuan, Yinchuan Baliqiao martyrs cemetery, Western Xia Tombs, Ningxia Military xian tours water round Academia Historica, Academia Historica PLA 68232 army regiment, Zhongshan Park, Yinchuan, Yinchuan, the world's rock art museum, sand Ferries tourist attractions, Ningxia, tax and cultural center, learning Kong radar, Lingwu archives.

According to reports, in which the Western Xia Tombs, Yinchuan Museum is the world's rock art heritage buildings and sites like museums, they will not xian travel implement all free of charge, the elderly, military personnel, disabled and low-income people and other special groups, incentives such as tax breaks tickets; minors focus of organized tour is free open to other minors half price. Sand Ferries Yinchuan municipal tourist attractions of patriotism education base operating minors focus of an organized tour is free open to other minors half price.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tours: Changzhou Builds Back Garden

Yokoyama, ancient Fangmaoshan, lush seasons, after years of vicissitudes; beautiful, pregnant with beauty, unique scenic south. Whether from urban or from Wujin, Changzhou City, the choice of Eastern Avenue, or the elevated road, here, 20 minutes, so you can enjoy the xian tours time, because the place where a man named Longtan Lake, has been transformed into a Fangmaoshan treasure, as the city's "backyard."

A few years ago, happy to "steal food" game for Longtan Lake, the "Adopt a sub-field" projects fire up tasting green vegetables, holidays bring family members to their adoption of the fields Li Songsong soil, various vegetables, as city people a choice; back Fangmaoshan, facing the hibiscus water, amazing handwriting Longtan Lake Park, the large agro-ecological, covering 1946 acres, with a total xian travel investment of 120 million project, set "Agricultural production, technology demonstrations, eco-leisure , science education and tourism "and other functions into one, which is produced with a capacity of three closely integrated. The hardships of farming and the joy of harvest, farmers have only about one of the joys, and now, swept the Longtan Lake City's business model, and even Shanghai, Zhejiang, people will find time to Longtan Lake, take a look at the elegance of this modern agricultural estate.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tours: Tongan Beer Festival

People from the Tongan Government, Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Tourism, organized by Xiamen Daily, Tsingtao Brewery (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. hosted xian tours the Fourth Southeast Marketing Tongan, Xiamen, Qingdao Beer Festival will be held July 22, 2011 -31 at the Tongan Stadium Plaza.
Tongan, Xiamen, Qingdao Beer Festival is the only government-sponsored by the district level and the longest Oktoberfest activities. Oktoberfest this theme: "Passion Carnival, cheers Tongan" event highlights will include: "speed drinking Tsingtao Beer" award and fun interaction; beer, food, music, games; NBA experience passion; passion PARTY and so on.
It is understood that Tongan Qingdao Beer Festival has been successfully held three sessions, each session of the Oktoberfest attracts many people in and around the xian travel city of Xiamen people to actively participate, promote trade, tourism, folklore and cultural exchange and interaction, highlighting the ancient Tongan the vitality and passion. This year is the 90th anniversary of founding, is 30 years of reform and opening up in Xiamen, the Tongan economy and society reform and opening up 30 years of development has made great achievements, the fourth beer festival, Qingdao, Xiamen Tongan fit the spirit of promoting the theme of this background, in the scale , to further enhance the grade, positive show Tongan style and charm, and tap tourism resources and promote the Tongan economy, cultural exchanges, enrich the cultural and recreational life for the public, providing visitors a feast of high-quality beer festival.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China