
Xian Tours Taiwan Strait Tour

August 4, to Hsieh Wei-chun, vice president, head of the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association, the delegation went to visit Huangshan study tours products, received a warm welcome. Huangshan City Mayor Song Huangshan International Hotel, right in the hospitality and visit the delegation met with Taiwan.
Meeting process, the right on behalf of Song Huangshan Huangshan Municipal Government and people of Hsieh Wei-chun, vice president and his entourage to visit Huangshan study extended a warm welcome, and briefly describes the situation Huangshan economic development and tourism. He said that in recent years, Huangshan City to carry out a comprehensive reform of state services and international tourism and cultural construction of Anhui demonstration area as an opportunity to continue to accelerate the pace of building a modern international tourist city, the city's step to enhance the quality of tourism services, tourism products are gradually tourism, leisure, health and other complex products change, for the majority of Huangshan tourism industry colleagues to promote the new product offers more choice.

According to reports, Huangshan and Taiwan in cultural tourism and economic development has very close links, both the tourism sector has also established a good working relationship. At present, Taiwanese tourists each year to Huangshan has reached more than 20 million people, Huangshan become the preferred destination for Taiwan residents traveling to the mainland one. Huangshan City, tourist arrivals to Taiwan each year has more than 2,000 people, and showed an increasing trend year by year. In June, the Third Conference on the Straits forum, Huangshan City was approved four new continental point of passenger aircraft on a regular basis, and to determine the end of October officially opened to traffic. To achieve direct, Taiwan Huangshan two visitors will interact more convenient for the promotion of tourism in the two play a role in promoting cooperation and development.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

