
Xian Tours: Shou County Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum

The morning of August 6, Shou try opening the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, and ushered in the first audience. Shou establishment of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, is still the first county in the province.

Shou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum is located in the Confucius Temple in the East Gallery Shouzhou veranda, the investment 40 million yuan, covers an area of ​​200 square meters, from the Nanjing Museum, Jiangsu Artall Co., Ltd. Design, construction. Project started from May 20, completed in early August. Shou County Museum of intangible cultural heritage in order to "Chufeng Han Yun - Shou 'non-heritage' captures Jane" as the theme from "human Shouzhou," "colorful Shouzhou," "charm Shouzhou", "I hope life state "four parts, to text, pictures, sculptures, objects, electronic screen, projectors and other display forms, with more than 60% of exhibition space showcasing Chen Palgongsan tofu, Shouzhou drums, Zhengyangguan lift Court House and other non-material cultural heritage elbow project profiles, representing Shou essence of intangible cultural heritage items.

Shou is the culture of the county, is rich in non-material cultural heritage resources, which includes national and provincial, municipal and county levels, "non-left" list of 34 items, provincial and municipal "non-legacy" project representative inheritors 11 , ranked first in Lu'an, the county has been screening out "non-legacy" project 120 six categories. In recent years, the county's increasing efforts to "non-left" to protect heritage with remarkable success. Shou completion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, open, marking the county's implementation of the "cultural county" concept of development has taken substantial steps for Shou to add a quality cultural tourism attractions.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

