
Silk Road Tour: Zhenghai

Ten Million" project is Zhejiang Tourism Bureau "five-second" period to implement the important tourism enriching project, Zhenhai District Tourism Bureau to travel for the people, Huimin, enriching as the starting point and goal from the reality in rural and tourism market demand driven , adhere to government guidance, farmers voluntarily, linkage, multi-input, market principles, careful planning, "Millions" tourism enriching projects, and vigorously promote rural tourism facilities, rich rural tourism products, optimize the environment for rural tourism, to promote rural tourism characteristics, market-oriented, the direction of industrial development, and achieved remarkable results.

First, well-organized planning and development. Qualified to carry out the region's villages and rural tourism farm fun for a comprehensive investigation, comparing the "famous, distinctive, relying on a basic" requirements, in 60 administrative villages rely on tourism in selected priority area to develop nine Lake, seventh house, Arashiyama Village successfully created the first provincial-level provincial tourism village, nurturing star Bay, Bay ponds to create a positive tourist attractions, farm characteristics, management points, Zhaobaoshan street, Jiulong town, bay town has been successful the creation of provincial tourism strong town.

Second, increase support. Investment funds through various channels to further improve tourism facilities in rural, put 20 million pairs of Dragon Lake Village peasant music outside the walls, transforming the surrounding landscape beautification. Introduction of a "peasant music Zhenhai District, on the promotion of leisure tourism development in a number of opinions", the provisions of the village and the social capital invested in the development of the area tourist attractions, leisure farm village music, leisure parks and rural agriculture (forestry, fishing) village peasant music project , and the investment of more than 50 million farmers in the music project support.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

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