
Silk Road Tour by Train

Ministry of Railways issued in accordance with the latest news, from at 0:00 on August 28, involving Shenyang EMU train diagram will be adjusted.
This means, bound for Beijing, Shenyang, Tianjin EMU running time will be extended, fares will drop. Reporters learned that the latest news, the current Shenyang North Railway Station, Shenyang station ticket pre-sale period has been adjusted to five days to respond to changes in train times.
Analysis: motor car ride to Beijing may be 5 hours
Recently, there were indications that the Ministry of Railways to implement the spirit of the State Council executive meeting, is preparing a new train diagram. The new train diagram will adjust the train plan, the new high-speed rail operations due to lower initial rate.
According to the Ministry of Railways train the program transfer plan, Qin Shen, Nagayoshi high-speed rail operation, from the current 250 km to 200 km, the fare I do to fall on the basis of the current 5%. According to the Shenyang Railway department estimates, there are daily departure from Shenyang, Shenyang, or in transit to the end of the motor car about 50, mainly in Beijing, Tianjin, Changchun and Jilin direction. This means that the bound for Beijing, Shenyang, Tianjin EMU running time will be extended, fares will drop.
At present, Shenyang, Beijing-bound by the motor car, the entire running time of 4 hours 1 minute to 4 hours, 29 minutes between. Speed ​​of adjustment, may also increase this time, the longest run time may be close to 5 hours. In fares, Shenyang to Beijing Train fare is currently the second seat 218 yuan, if the fares to fall 5%, may be 207 yuan.
Yesterday, reporter learned from the Shenyang Railway Bureau, for Shenyang, the final adjustment of the line and trains also are in the study, published recently will be unified.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Guilin Tours: Taiwan Strait Tour

This year's event will further increase the intensity of market-oriented, innovative tourism product purchase will be held, attracting nearly 300 participants traveling salesman for exhibitors to build a tourism industry at home and abroad exchange trading, interactive win-win situation, pragmatic and efficient platform. Suppliers, buyers (travel agents) can be discussed during the meeting in the field, or buy, direct marketing, trading; inside and outside the special buyers, representatives of the tourism industry in Taiwan, the province the main travel agencies, hotels and travel distributors and other networks will be on a personal tour, hot springs tours, Fujian tourist products, such as supermarkets promote online publishing. During the exhibition there, "one-stop" site travel sales, through time-limited special offers, gifts and other forms of the questionnaire to carry out tourism interactive, friends, people can live with enterprise strength compare product quality, buy quality, discount products. Meanwhile, the company is to enhance the brand, expand its influence, will provide the product or offer incentives.

Fourth, highlighting richer. IVS this year opened two sides, the Taiwan exhibitors initiative has improved significantly. Taiwan's personal travel and other topics of tourism products will debut in the exhibition hall, a number of major traveling salesman Taiwan, agriculture leisure associations, Spa Association, Food Association and the mainland tourists "up close" contact. Taiwan Exhibitors can direct people to the products in Xiamen, Kinmen and Matsu Penghu area exhibitors can direct visitors to the province's products. This year will also set up the first comprehensive exhibition Strait Travel Fair Spa, with "both hot springs, the water edge of the cross" as the core, to show cross-strait cultural and spa tourism characteristics. Provincial Association of travel products and network jointly set up Xiamen Gifts Gifts Strait tourism area, and establish a new image of Fujian travel products. In addition, following the sixth-Strait Travel Fair on the proposed "intelligent tourism", the year the province intelligent tourism development results are clear, this trip at Bo, will join Associated Press agency, the provincial telecommunications, mobile, email subjects, net Long and other high-tech enterprises in the province launched a number of intelligent tourism museum and a live demonstration of intelligent tourism and animation products for the public to feel the diversity of smart technology brings the convenience of personalized service and travel experience. In addition, there are well-known airlines exhibition presented in front of the tourists.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tours: Shou County Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum

The morning of August 6, Shou try opening the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, and ushered in the first audience. Shou establishment of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, is still the first county in the province.

Shou Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum is located in the Confucius Temple in the East Gallery Shouzhou veranda, the investment 40 million yuan, covers an area of ​​200 square meters, from the Nanjing Museum, Jiangsu Artall Co., Ltd. Design, construction. Project started from May 20, completed in early August. Shou County Museum of intangible cultural heritage in order to "Chufeng Han Yun - Shou 'non-heritage' captures Jane" as the theme from "human Shouzhou," "colorful Shouzhou," "charm Shouzhou", "I hope life state "four parts, to text, pictures, sculptures, objects, electronic screen, projectors and other display forms, with more than 60% of exhibition space showcasing Chen Palgongsan tofu, Shouzhou drums, Zhengyangguan lift Court House and other non-material cultural heritage elbow project profiles, representing Shou essence of intangible cultural heritage items.

Shou is the culture of the county, is rich in non-material cultural heritage resources, which includes national and provincial, municipal and county levels, "non-left" list of 34 items, provincial and municipal "non-legacy" project representative inheritors 11 , ranked first in Lu'an, the county has been screening out "non-legacy" project 120 six categories. In recent years, the county's increasing efforts to "non-left" to protect heritage with remarkable success. Shou completion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, open, marking the county's implementation of the "cultural county" concept of development has taken substantial steps for Shou to add a quality cultural tourism attractions.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Xian Tours Taiwan Strait Tour

August 4, to Hsieh Wei-chun, vice president, head of the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association, the delegation went to visit Huangshan study tours products, received a warm welcome. Huangshan City Mayor Song Huangshan International Hotel, right in the hospitality and visit the delegation met with Taiwan.
Meeting process, the right on behalf of Song Huangshan Huangshan Municipal Government and people of Hsieh Wei-chun, vice president and his entourage to visit Huangshan study extended a warm welcome, and briefly describes the situation Huangshan economic development and tourism. He said that in recent years, Huangshan City to carry out a comprehensive reform of state services and international tourism and cultural construction of Anhui demonstration area as an opportunity to continue to accelerate the pace of building a modern international tourist city, the city's step to enhance the quality of tourism services, tourism products are gradually tourism, leisure, health and other complex products change, for the majority of Huangshan tourism industry colleagues to promote the new product offers more choice.

According to reports, Huangshan and Taiwan in cultural tourism and economic development has very close links, both the tourism sector has also established a good working relationship. At present, Taiwanese tourists each year to Huangshan has reached more than 20 million people, Huangshan become the preferred destination for Taiwan residents traveling to the mainland one. Huangshan City, tourist arrivals to Taiwan each year has more than 2,000 people, and showed an increasing trend year by year. In June, the Third Conference on the Straits forum, Huangshan City was approved four new continental point of passenger aircraft on a regular basis, and to determine the end of October officially opened to traffic. To achieve direct, Taiwan Huangshan two visitors will interact more convenient for the promotion of tourism in the two play a role in promoting cooperation and development.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Silk Road Tour: Zhenghai

Ten Million" project is Zhejiang Tourism Bureau "five-second" period to implement the important tourism enriching project, Zhenhai District Tourism Bureau to travel for the people, Huimin, enriching as the starting point and goal from the reality in rural and tourism market demand driven , adhere to government guidance, farmers voluntarily, linkage, multi-input, market principles, careful planning, "Millions" tourism enriching projects, and vigorously promote rural tourism facilities, rich rural tourism products, optimize the environment for rural tourism, to promote rural tourism characteristics, market-oriented, the direction of industrial development, and achieved remarkable results.

First, well-organized planning and development. Qualified to carry out the region's villages and rural tourism farm fun for a comprehensive investigation, comparing the "famous, distinctive, relying on a basic" requirements, in 60 administrative villages rely on tourism in selected priority area to develop nine Lake, seventh house, Arashiyama Village successfully created the first provincial-level provincial tourism village, nurturing star Bay, Bay ponds to create a positive tourist attractions, farm characteristics, management points, Zhaobaoshan street, Jiulong town, bay town has been successful the creation of provincial tourism strong town.

Second, increase support. Investment funds through various channels to further improve tourism facilities in rural, put 20 million pairs of Dragon Lake Village peasant music outside the walls, transforming the surrounding landscape beautification. Introduction of a "peasant music Zhenhai District, on the promotion of leisure tourism development in a number of opinions", the provisions of the village and the social capital invested in the development of the area tourist attractions, leisure farm village music, leisure parks and rural agriculture (forestry, fishing) village peasant music project , and the investment of more than 50 million farmers in the music project support.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


China Cheap Tours: Hubei Ethnic Group Tour

August 3, twenty-fifth meeting of the 11th Provincial People's Congress passed the "Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture travel regulations." The regulations promulgated by the State Standing Committee.

In February, six states adopted the Sixth National People's Congress state travel regulations, report to the Provincial People's Congress for approval. Regulations set the "General", "tourism planning", "tourism development", "tour operator", "legal responsibility" and "Annex", a total of six chapters and 47. Regulations fully reflects the state commission, the state government on the promotion of tourism development policies with emphasis on tourism development of the outstanding issues; clear my position and the state tourism development goals, provides that "the people's governments should give priority to the development of Autonomous tourism, eco-cultural tourism in western Hubei to create the core plate, building well-known eco-cultural tourism destination "; outstanding tourism resources protection, provides that" legal protection of tourism resources, tourism resources development approved by the county government, non-sprawl "; highlight the regional characteristics and national characteristics, to encourage and support the building of national characteristics tourist cities, towns, villages, enhance the characteristics of residential construction and renovation, development of tourism with local national characteristics of goods; highlight the field to create state tourism brand, provides that "Autonomous Prefecture people's Government should make the overall image of tourism planning, tourism brand to create the state domain. "For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Longyan Protects World Tour Heritage

Recently, the Yongding urban construction, land, environmental protection, forestry and other departments of technical personnel to go to Hong pits, and other high-River North and the beginning of the village, the "Fujian (Yongding) Earthen" declared "World Heritage" status of the nomination to the building, land use ground water quality, fire safety and other dynamic monitoring and evaluation. This is to protect the county to carry out a silhouette Earthen.

Yongding declared "World Heritage" nominated area of ​​the "three groups on the second floor" is the "Fujian (Yongding) Earth Building" in the best preserved and most representative of the Earthen. Based on this, Yongding County, to protect the authenticity and integrity as Earthen Earthen cultural heritage protection and cultural promotion of Hakka Earth Building important. Since 2000, the county government based on the "PRC Cultural Relics Protection Law", "Fujian" Tulou "Cultural Heritage Protection and Management" and other laws and regulations, and the introduction of the "Fujian (Yongding) Earthen protection regulations" and other normative documents, hire experts in the preparation of Shanghai Tongji University Earthen conservation planning. So far, the county has a total of 18 laws, regulations and regulatory documents as Earthen protection "regulations weapon" Earthen do all aspects of protection and management, "according to the law, there are rules."

To Earthen protection work carried out, the county set up a "Earthen protection and management centers" set up "Earthen protection and management special fund" established "Fujian (Yongding) Earthen" protection and management information systems and dynamic monitoring of mechanism to build the county, township, village, building four Earthen protection and management network, the Earthen management responsibilities to protect the village, the village, to the people. Since 2000, the county in recent multi-billion yuan of funds raised for the maintenance of earth buildings protection, environmental management and supporting infrastructure. The end of July this year, reporting area in accordance with "stay the same, repairing the old old" principle, more than 40 complete and partial maintenance of a comprehensive focus on Earthen and the "core area" and "buffer" 218 to protect the boundary markers of the burial, etc. work. At the same time, they give full play to radio, television, newspapers and other news media, the advantages of carrying out the relevant laws and regulations to protect Earthen publicity to increase public awareness of conservation and management according to law. Protection and Management of Earthen Cultural Heritage through literacy training, "I offer advice and strategies for the protection of Earth Building" Earthen historical data collection and organization of primary and secondary learning "Fujian (Yongding) Earthen local materials" and other series of activities to protect critical Earthen of popularity. Today, the "Earthen love me, protect me Earthen" to protect Earthen "simple beauty, harmony and beauty, the decorative beauty and ecological beauty" to become conscious action of the masses of earth buildings.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China


Improve Anhui Tour in 2011

July 29 afternoon, Anhui Publishing Group Co., Ltd. Vice President, Market President Yu Haining Star newspaper led his unit to Anhui Tourism Bureau docking "of Anhui Province in 2011 my favorite tourist attractions, travel agencies, tourist hotel" network selection activities. Provincial Tourism Bureau committee member, inspector Wu Hao Yu Haining, vice president of the warm reception line, both the tourism industry and the publishing industry on how to integrate development issues in depth. Provincial Tourism Quality Supervision, director Wang Bing-open talks.

The two sides first on the ongoing "2011 Anhui my favorite tourist attractions, travel agencies, tourist hotel" contest for a docking communication, that the new forms of activities, visitors can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the general public, on the widely publicized Anhui tourism resources and products to enhance the image of tourism enterprises in Anhui has a positive role in promoting.

Sponsored by the Tourism Bureau of Anhui Province, the Provincial Tourism Quality Supervision contractors, co-market Star "in 2011 in Anhui Province of my favorite tourist attractions, travel agencies, tourist hotel" contest online voting is currently hot in. The 17 City Tourism Board (Board) screening recommendations, the province's total of 124 scenic spots, 161 travel agencies, 128 tourist hotels participate in this event. 9:00 am on August 25 before the general public and tourists can travel to their favorite companies cast a vote. After online voting, the organizers will invite experts on various types of tourism enterprises to rate the top 12 selection of the nominated area, tourist hotels, travel agencies to implement percentile score, which accounted for 20 peer-reviewed, pre-Internet voting accounted for 80 points. According to the Composite score, and ultimately will determine the "most popular" in the top 10 types of tourism enterprises, publicity week, and at the right time and place of honorary medals.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China