
China Travel Details of Shigatse


Anywhere in Shigatse in Tibet, in addition to commercially available instruments, accessories, chanting round, but not very special, City Market is located on the north, selling all kinds of daily necessities, regardless of whether you like shopping, this bazaar is also worth a visit.
Zhaxi Ji color is a beautiful shade trees Shigatse a small village, a famous Tibetan arts and crafts town. From the pottery, waist knife, bailer to bracelets, statues, necklaces, buy what you can buy anything.
Tip: If you really want to buy in Shigatse Tibetan handicrafts, then, Tibetan jewelry will give you a lot of surprises, in addition to Thangka, knives, etc., are all good choices, the price more than ten to tens of dollars, In the tourist attractions and markets on both warn. However, if too much trouble to buy knives, because it can not board the aircraft, but you can mail back home, so when you get home, you can receive.
Special products

Tibetan knives prestigious traditional crafts, historic, unique style, loved by tourists. In Tibetan life, knives also carry essential thing, it can be used to self-defense, but also as a flesh-eating utensils, but also as a special ornament. In general, men's knives are relatively rough, sharp, women's knives are more delicate. Wear knives not only give people a sense of security from the heart, but also from the appearance of giving a powerful sense, showing the sturdy national temperament. Knives under the workmanship and the use of different materials, the price difference between the larger, cheaper a few dollars, tens of dollars, expensive or even a thousand dollars. Shigatse region knives with fine silver sheath, carving is very fine, is a better choice.

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