
Travel to Xian City Wall

Ming Dynasty city wall of Xi'an is in the Chang'an city of Imperial, based on building up, due to frequent wars Tang Dynasty, suffered great damage. God Bless the late xian tours Tang Dynasty (AD 904), the national army stationed Chang Woo Han Jiedushi built, easy to defend because of the original big city, so on the Chang'an City had a change building. Change when the abandoned building outside the Chang Kuo Cheng and Miyagi, only to be alterations to the Imperial City, Imperial City closed Suzaku, Anfu, extension of hi three, Northern Xuanwumen for defense, but did not expand on the city wall, or alterations.
   After five generations after the Later Tang Dynasty, Later Jin Dynasty, Later Han, after thoughtful Song and Yuan dynasties, the city's name xian travel and institution default despite repeated with change, but the size of the city wall but no change. Known as the Yuan Dynasty when Xian Feng Yuan City, is a city northwest. Hongwu years (AD 1369) in March, General Xu Da Great led his army from crossing into the Shaanxi, Shanxi, Yuan Morimasa seeing them, Da-Feng Yuan City occupied. Soon, the Ming court changed the government Feng Yuan Road, Xi'an, Xi'an, which is named after the start.For more information, please shift to Tour Experiences of China

